Small Ball Exercises

The “small ball” is the most universal tool for working on areas of tightness or restriction in the body. The ball can be used to roll over an area of tightness, similar to self-massage, or it can be used to put pressure into a fascial restriction in order to release it. It can be used throughout the whole body in a wide variety of positions and can access almost any part that needs attention. We encourage you to use the ball in any area where you feel tight or restricted, even if it is not shown here in the above images.

Begin by placing the ball between you and a wall, a chair, a bed or the floor in an area where you experience any tightness or pain. Then slowly roll the ball around that area until you find a spot that is hard, tender, or refers pain to another area of your body. Put direct pressure into the spot with the ball for about 5 minutes or until you feel the pain/tightness start to diminish. Be sure to use the ball all throughout the body and not only on the areas you experience tightness.

We recommend using a 4 inch inflatable ball or lacrosse ball for more specific work. We always have plenty on hand at our facility to provide you with! Keep them in your car, by your bed, at work or in your bag so that it’s in easy reach!

Foam Roller Exercises and Placements

Foam rollers are an equally effective tool for releasing fascia. They can be used as a fulcrum to stretch the spine and the trunk of the body as well as provide deep pressure into the large muscle groups of the legs. We recommend using a roller that is at least 6 inches in diameter and 3 feet in length. This will allow the entire spine to be supported. A half roller may be ideal for someone with decreased balance or who cant tolerate the full roller. A textured roller can be used for extra stimulation.

Sometimes you may be significantly restricted/in pain and the foam roller may feel too hard or uncomfortable. If this is the case, you may want to use a softer or smaller “roller” such as a thick blanket or towel that has been rolled very tightly. Also some find success using pool noodles as they come in a variety of sizes and firmness.

Those with osteoporosis need to use caution when using the foam roller or avoid altogether.

3 foot foam rollers are available for purchase at our facility for $20.

All images courtesy of Joyce Karnis Patterson, PT through her book: Comprehensive Myofascial Self Treatment

For more helpful exercises you can purchase the book here